Politics & Rights
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Politics & Rights
Altruism: The Fuel of Jihad
Craig Biddle June 24, 2014
In “Terrorism, Altruism, and Moral Certainty,” the Afterward to my book Loving Life, I explain that “Islamic terrorists are religious altruists: They selflessly commit human sacrifices for the sake of a supernatural ‘other’—an alleged God.” A Muslim professor at the Islamic University in Gaza recently acknowledged this too.
Politics & Rights
Obstacles to a Foreign Policy of Self-Defense for America
TOS Admin June 21, 2014
Americans have been awash in a tsunami of anti-rights philosophy for more than 100 years, and the tsunami has taken its toll. Americans no longer have the conviction that we have rights and thus no longer have the conviction that the government must protect our rights. . . . Fortunately, we have a solution to this problem. . . .
Politics & Rights
“Ministries of Truth”: An Ominous Possibility in America
Ari Armstrong June 20, 2014
A commission established to investigate “false” campaign statements—as evaluated by a group’s political enemies and by politicians and bureaucrats—is inherently biased, and its very existence violates people’s rights to free speech. With virtually every campaign message, one side claims it is the truth whereas the other side claims it is not.
Politics & Rights
Is ObamaRetire Next?
Ari Armstrong June 19, 2014
Prior to the passage of ObamaCare, leftists selected Colorado, a bellwether state (among other places), to begin promoting their health “reforms” nationally, and many of their proposals eventually became part of ObamaCare. Apparently the left is now trying the same strategy to place retirement accounts substantially under government control.
Politics & Rights
Dave Brat on Church and State
Ari Armstrong June 18, 2014
Dave Brat—who recently upset Eric Cantor in a Virginia congressional primary—says he is heavily influenced by free-market thinkers, including Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, F. A. Hayek, and (to a lesser degree) Ayn Rand. More encouraging, a paper that Brat wrote in 2011 indicates that he endorses the separation of church and state.
Politics & Rights
Check Your Statist Privilege
Ari Armstrong June 13, 2014
Although it is senseless to campaign against so-called “white privilege," one sort of pervasive privilege is real, it is evil, and it should be not only checked but ultimately abolished. It is the privilege government grants to some people to violate the rights of others. Call it “statist privilege.”
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Politics & Rights
Dave Brat and Ayn Rand on Rights and Government
Ari Armstrong June 12, 2014
Although Brat largely supports free markets, he does not consistently support them, as Rand did; he disagrees with Rand on important philosophic issues; and he himself recognizes that his views are not Rand’s. As examples, Brat parts ways with Rand dramatically when it comes to immigration and the source of individual rights.
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Politics & Rights
Life Imitates Atlas Shrugged in Austin, Texas
Ari Armstrong June 10, 2014
In the big picture, when government violates people’s rights in order to “run” libraries, rail transportation, and the like, it cannot do so without stealing money from the productive and thus precluding them from using that money productively; it cannot do so without destroying wealth and blocking or pushing out private alternatives.
Politics & Rights
“White Privilege”: Myths and Facts
Ari Armstrong June 8, 2014
When today’s leftists speak of “white privilege,” their goal is not to abolish overtly racist laws—those were abolished in part by Lincoln and his supporters in the Civil War and virtually in full within a century of the Civil War. Nor is the left’s goal to eradicate private bigotry—which today is big news precisely because it is rare (e.g., Donald Sterling).
Politics & Rights
Racists Fighting “White Privilege”
Ari Armstrong June 7, 2014
Martin Luther King, Jr. rightly called on people to judge others not “by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Radersma is a racist, not because of the color of her skin, but because of the corrupt ideas she chooses to embrace and the malicious words she chooses to speak.