Politics & Rights
Politics & Rights
Santorum Stands for Big Government because He Stands for Collectivism
Ari Armstrong January 4, 2012
Might Republicans select as their presidential candidate someone who wants even more government controls over our lives than Mitt Romney, father of Massachusetts’s health-policy fiasco Romneycare? Their sudden embrace of Rick Santorum, who won a close second in the Iowa caucuses, threatens just that outcome. Santorum’s commitment to government controls…
History, Politics & Rights
Interview with Clare M. Lopez on Islam and the Enemies of America
Craig Biddle December 30, 2011
Craig Biddle: I’m speaking with Clare Lopez, senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy and at The Clarion Fund, vice president of The Intelligence Summit, and a 2011 Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute. She formerly was a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre),…
Politics & Rights
U.N. Pays Tribute to Communist Butcher
Joshua Lipana December 28, 2011
Reuters reports that the U.N. General Assembly recently held a moment of silence for Kim Jong-il. The United States, along with other nations, boycotted the moment of silence. But this leads to the question: Why does any semi-civilized nation even patronize this monstrous organization? Kim Jong il and his communist…
Politics & Rights
Newt Sides with Anti-Abortion Zealots
Ari Armstrong December 22, 2011
As a matter of political strategy, scaring the hell out of independent women voters by threatening to ban the birth control pill and all abortions even in cases of rape and incest is an easy way to lose a high-level election, at least outside the south. Just ask Ken Buck,…
History, Politics & Rights
Did the U.S. government secretly plan for a drone to crash in Iran?
Daniel Wahl December 20, 2011
Perhaps I read too much fiction, but is it possible that someone in our government actually planned for a drone to crash land in Iran? Given what has been attempted throughout military history, the possibility is not unprecedented. Consider a maneuver by the British government in World War II that…
Politics & Rights
Obama’s Osawatomie Shakedown: Critics’ Roundup
Ari Armstrong December 15, 2011
In his December 6 speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, President Obama grudgingly admitted that capitalism created our astounding standard of living. However, he claimed, unless businessmen wear the shackles of high taxes and pervasive political controls, the economy “doesn’t work.” Although the historical and economic fallacies and howlers in Obama’s speech…
Politics & Rights
Antitrust Suit Against Microsoft is Immoral and Un-American
Joshua Lipana December 10, 2011
Novell inc. is suing Microsoft because Microsoft did not include Novell’s product, WordPerfect, in Windows 95. Bill Gates testifying in court said WordPerfect was a “bulky, slow, buggy product” that would “crash the system” and that Microsoft Word was “far superior.” These are certainly good reasons not to include a…
Politics & Rights
To Protect Rights, Phase Out Payroll Tax Completely
Ari Armstrong December 9, 2011
President Obama correctly says that cutting the payroll tax is “the right thing to do.” Unfortunately, Obama along with his supporters in Congress want to cut the tax in the wrong way, for the wrong reasons, and by the wrong amount. The wrong way to cut the tax is to…
Economics, Politics & Rights
Contra Occupiers, Profits Embody Justice
Ari Armstrong December 2, 2011
According to various Occupy Wall Street protesters, profits hurt people and constitute injustice. For example, an Orange County protester held a sign reading, “People Before Profits”; he told Alex Epstein of the Center for Industrial Progress, “I think people’s interests [should] always come first.” I interviewed a Zuccotti Park Occupier…
Politics & Rights
A Pledge for GOP Presidential Contenders: Repudiate the U.N. Wholesale
Joshua Lipana November 28, 2011
The Associated Press observes that “bashing” the United Nations has become popular among Republican presidential candidates, and that it “seldom fails as an applause line,” meaning such rhetoric resonates with voters. Mitt Romney says the U.N. too often becomes a forum for tyrants when it should promote democracy and human…