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Announcements, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Lecture: 'Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand's Morality of Egoism'
Craig Biddle October 8, 2007
In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Atlas Shrugged, I’ll be speaking at UCLA this Thursday, October 11. What: A talk on “Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand’s Morality of Egoism” by Craig Biddle Where: UCLA - Los Angeles, California: Kinsey Pavillion (Knudsen) 1220B When: Thursday, October 11, 2007, 7:00pm–9:00pm Admission…
Education & Parenting
Yesterday's Highlights: 'Success'
Lisa VanDamme October 6, 2007
In a letter called "Yesterday's Highlights," I periodically describe my observations of classes to the VanDamme Academy parents. I have decided to share these highlights with readers of this newsletter as well. I hope you enjoy your glimpse into a VanDamme Academy classroom. Dear Parents, This week and last, I…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy
Good Press for Objectivism and Atlas Shrugged
Craig Biddle September 28, 2007
There is a good article in Forbes today, titled “Atlas Shrugs Again,” by Marc Babej and Tim Pollack, focusing on the recent swell of interest in Ayn Rand’s ideas and on what it takes to “market something as amorphous as a [philosophical] movement.” After citing some of the recent items…
Education & Parenting
The First Day of School: VanDamme Academy Style
Lisa VanDamme September 25, 2007
I have often been told that, when asked what was special about their VanDamme Academy education, graduates say, "We always understood why we were learning what we were learning." This important effect has many causes, the most significant among them being that what the students are learning is, in fact,…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
More on Ahmadinejad's Forum at Columbia
Craig Biddle September 24, 2007
In case the relativist “principle” guiding Lee Bollinger’s choice to invite Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia was not clear enough in his earlier statement, here is a brief video of him making it even clearer. The “principle” is that anyone willing to “debate”—regardless of his complicity in the torture and…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Religion and Relativism: The Axis of Evil (Exhibit 723-B: Ahmadinejad's Visit)
Craig Biddle September 21, 2007
That the Bush administration is permitting Ahmadinejad to enter America for any reason other than to kill him on sight is a moral travesty. But, then, given that Bush and company’s philosophy counsels us to “resist not evil” and “turn the other cheek” and “judge not that ye be not…
Fall Issue of TOS Now Online
Craig Biddle September 21, 2007
The online version of the Fall issue has been posted to our website. In connection with all the press surrounding the fiftieth anniversary of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged—from the New York Times article “Ayn Rand's Literature of Capitalism,” to the Los Angeles Times piece “Ayn Rand's Epic Storytelling,” to Lionsgate’s…
The Economics and Ethics of Moneylending
Craig Biddle September 19, 2007
In connection with Yaron Brook’s essay “The Morality of Moneylending,” Edward Glaeser’s NY Sun op-ed “Vilifying Lenders” is a hopeful sign. Glaeser makes some good points: Not so long ago, banks were routinely vilified for not lending to the less fortunate. Over the past 15 years, a revolution in credit…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Philosophy
Journalistic Jabberwocky: The Classificatory Nonsense of Kay S. Hymowitz
Craig Biddle September 16, 2007
In an article titled “Freedom Fetishists: The Cultural Contradictions of Libertarianism”— which has been published in both Commentary and the Wall Street Journal—Kay S. Hymowitz has labeled Ayn Rand a “libertarian.” This would be unworthy of comment were it not for the fact that, as Rand herself put it, “the…
Announcements, Science & Technology
Exploit the Earth or Die
Craig Biddle August 30, 2007
Exploit the Earth or die. It’s not a threat. It’s a fact. Either man takes the Earth’s raw materials—such as trees, petroleum, aluminum, and atoms—and transforms them into the requirements of his life, or he dies. To live, man must produce the goods on which his life depends; he must…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
Regarding the Economic Costs of my Proposed Campaign against Iran
Craig Biddle August 25, 2007
Dear Craig, Thank you for this article on your blog, which I very much enjoyed, especially your "Mafia hitmen" analogy. In your article, you state "The way to accomplish [Iran's defeat] is by waging a massive bombing campaign from high altitude and long distance—and by sustaining this campaign until the…
Philosophy, Politics & Rights
The Bush Administration's Latest Deadly Evasion
Craig Biddle August 23, 2007
The Bush administration’s plan to declare Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization is worse than a waste of time: It is an outright evasion of the Iranian assault on America. There is a good reason why the New York City Police Department does not make official pronouncements to the…
Arts & Culture
How to Analyze and Appreciate Paintings
Dianne Durante August 20, 2007
Provides a step-by-step method for viewing, assessing, and enjoying this rich visual medium. The article is accompanied by fifteen images of the paintings discussed, some of which are a feast, others of which are a foil.
Arts & Culture, Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Transfiguring the Novel: The Literary Revolution in Atlas Shrugged
Andrew Bernstein August 20, 2007
Celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of Ayn Rand's magnum opus (which was published on October 10, 1957) by examining key aspects of the book's artistic elements. Focusing on Rand's dramatization of the plot-theme, her use of literary techniques, and the nature and significance of key figures in the story, Bernstein shows how Rand employed such elements to tap the full potential of this supremely conceptual art form and thus to create a thoroughly integrated novel.
Economics, History
The Morality of Moneylending: A Short History
Yaron Brook August 20, 2007
Presents an essentialized history of usury, showing that, just as moneylenders are being damned and blamed for today's "sub-prime mortgage crisis," so they have been condemned and castigated for alleged wrongdoing from the beginning of Western civilization. Brook zeros in on the economic and moral premises that give rise to contempt for this profession; he identifies the moral-practical dichotomy inherent in these ideas; and he discusses a unified set of principles that must be understood and embraced if moneylending is to be seen as the noble business that it actually is.