Education & Parenting
Announcements, Education & Parenting
Craig and Sarah Biddle on Parenting, at TOS-Con 2019
Jon Hersey May 2, 2019
We want our children to live wonderful, happy lives. How can we help them to become independent thinkers and rational decision makers so they will?
Announcements, Education & Parenting
“Little Candle,” Bright Light: The Story of VanDamme Academy
Craig Biddle April 18, 2019
This film shows what a proper, conceptual education looks like, and it provides parents and educators with a reason to seek or create this kind of learning environment.
Education & Parenting
Intelligent Disobedience for Children: A Handbook for Parents and Caregivers
Ira Chaleff February 21, 2019
Here’s a powerful tool and mnemonic for teaching children to think for themselves and to disobey adults when that’s the right thing to do.
Education & Parenting, History, Philosophy
Marva Collins, Her Method, and Her ‘Philosophy for Living’
Carrie-Ann Biondi August 30, 2018
Thousands of students who had been written off as “unteachable” were able to lead meaningful, productive lives because one woman refused to give up on them.
Education & Parenting, Philosophy
Heroes and Villains in American Education
Andrew Bernstein August 13, 2018
Though their originators are mostly dead and gone, the ideas that sunk American education are still operative today. Those who offered rational alternatives have had little influence—but we can change that.
Education & Parenting
Jesse McCarthy on Montessori and Independence
Sarah Biddle August 13, 2018
Popular educator Jesse McCarthy discusses Montessori education and how it helps children to develop independence—both in school and at home.
Arts & Culture, Education & Parenting, Reviews
Sophie, by Tal Tsfany
Ella Wilson May 18, 2018
Sophie makes readers think in-depth and for themselves the whole way through and continue thinking even after they’ve turned the last page.
Arts & Culture, Education & Parenting
Tal Tsfany on Sophie, the Book
Craig Biddle April 4, 2018
Tal Tsfany discusses his new book, Sophie, including the genesis of the story and his thought processes while writing and editing the book.
Education & Parenting
'Blink, Think, Choice, Voice': A Way for Children to Protect Themselves
Craig Biddle March 13, 2018
Here’s a powerful tool that children can use to protect themselves from inappropriate advances by adults. It could save a child from unimaginable horror.
Ayn Rand & Objectivism, Education & Parenting
Ayn Rand Included on A-Level Curriculum in UK
Craig Biddle March 28, 2017
The 2017 curriculum for A-Level Politics, taught in secondary and pre-university schools in the UK, will include Ayn Rand and her ideas.