Winter 2012 • Vol. 7, No. 4
Education & Parenting
The New Abolitionism: Why Education Emancipation is the Moral Imperative of Our Time
Tackles the problem that is the so-called public schools, showing that they are fundamentally corrupt and unfixable, and must be abolished.
Education & Parenting
Interviews with Innovators in Private Education
Interviews with five rising innovators in the field of private education, discussing their organizations, missions, philosophies, and offerings.
Great Islamic Thinkers Versus Islam
Examines the Golden Age of Islam and considers the ideas of some of its leading thinkers, telling “a story of great achievements—and their rejection; of great heroes—and their defeat; of great minds—and their suppression; ultimately, of great danger—and its cancerous growth.”
Sam Harris’s Failure to Formulate a Scientific Morality
Examines Harris’s claims to have grounded his brand of utilitarianism in reality, and finds them wanting.
Independent Thinking, Morality, and Liberty
Examines the crucial need for advocates of liberty to uphold the same cognitive standard in considering moral matters as they do in considering political matters.
Science & Technology
Apple’s App Revolution: Capitalism in Action
Surveys Apple’s staggering creation of great products, new markets, and massive wealth—for itself, its customers, and its competitors.
Politics & Rights
The Egalitarian Assault on Free Speech
Why do so many on today’s left so forcefully advocate censorship when it comes to campaign spending? Hasn’t the left traditionally stood up for free speech, at least in the political realm? The left has always suffered from a basic contradiction: It seeks to protect “civil liberties”—traditionally including the right…
Ayn Rand & Objectivism
Obama, Unsurprisingly, Gets Ayn Rand Wrong
Barack Obama claims to have read Ayn Rand, which is hard to believe given how completely he misrepresents her views. Of course, Obama’s distortions of Rand’s ideas feed his political agenda of forcing wealth transfers and shackling producers, policies Rand certainly would have rejected as immoral and destructive. In a…
Politics & Rights, Science & Technology
The Left’s False Alternative on Health Care
The latest incarnation of “Medicare-for-all" was introduced in 2009. Though the plan, H.R. 676, was quickly eclipsed by the debate and passage of ObamaCare, it is still simmering just below the political surface. Ray Stever, president of New Jersey One Plan One Nation Coalition, provides an indication of where the…
Politics & Rights
Does a Big Storm Require Big Government?
In an editorial yesterday, the Times blasted Mitt Romney for daring to suggest that some activities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency might better be shifted to the states or “back to the private sector.” Eugene Robinson wrote essentially the same article for his syndicated Washington Post column. In fact,…
Politics & Rights
The Moral Integrity of Condemning Social Security While Collecting It
In an absurd act of injustice, the left routinely castigates those who criticize government redistribution programs while accepting some benefits of those programs. For instance, writing for the Huffington Post, Michael Ford blasts those on the right who allegedly hold the attitude, “venerated in public, disdained in private”; he describes…
Politics & Rights
The Crucial Distinction Between Subsidies and Tax Cuts
How many times have you heard a tax cut described as a “subsidy?” It’s bad enough that government forcibly confiscates our wealth for the purpose of transferring our money to others in the form of welfare (whether regular or corporate). Adding insult to injury, pundits and politicians often speak as…
Book and Film Reviews
Education & Parenting, Reviews
Review: The One World Schoolhouse, by Salman Khan
Daniel Wahl reviews The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined, by Salman Khan.
Politics & Rights, Reviews
Review: Let Them In, by Jason L. Riley
Kevin Douglas reviews Let Them In: The Case for Open Borders, by Jason L. Riley.
History, Reviews
Review: The Dictator’s Learning Curve, by William J. Dobson
Daniel Wahl reviews The Dictator’s Learning Curve: Inside the Global Battle for Democracy, by William J. Dobson.
Letters and Replies
Jason Iplixian writes a brief letter praising Craig Biddle's blog post about the political left and right.